Matches & Company

Introducing Matches Designs

Introducing Matches Designs

Nicknames are cool. Well, I think they are anyway. I guess some might be cooler than others. Sometimes people get nicknames they wish they didn’t have but other times, they get a nickname that they end up loving.  Frequently nicknames result from an event or situation, or even due to a person’s particular physical attribute or even a personality trait.  Other times, it could be the most random thing.  Growing up, I had a few actually.  One was “Red” which wasn’t too creative or original, because I am a natural red-head.  Another was “Pillsbury”.  If you are thinking that was...

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8.3.20 Gotcha Day!

8.3.20 Gotcha Day!

  A year ago today, our lives changed forever.  We started the day off early and were full of excitement, walking out of the loft with smiles on our faces and a little extra pep in our step.   We drove over an hour and then took a ferry to cross the mighty Mississippi.  Now safely on the other side, a bit more driving until we arrived at our destination just outside of Brussels, IL.  We could barely contain our excitement.  I remember both of us were just cheesing up a storm and I literally could see the sparkle in Matt’s...

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